Combat Module
- AimAssist, (Moves your cursor slowly towards enemies)
- Teleport Aura, (Attacks around you in a wider range, by teleporting)
- AntiBot, (Removes bots placed by the anticheat)
- Aura, (Attacks enemies around you)
- Autoclicker, (Clicks automatically)
- Backtrack, (Allows you to hit players in their position from previous ticks)
- Criticals, (Guarantees a critical hit)
- DelayRemover, (Removes 1.8 Hit delay)
- Reach, (Increases your reach distance)
- TargetStrafe, (Strafes automatically around your targets while speed is enabled)
- Teams, (Stops modules from attacking teammates)
- Tickbase, (Inserts extra ticks in certain situations)
- Velocity, (Modifies your knockback)
- WTap (Automatically lets go of w, and pressed it again after hitting a target, to increase knockback dealt)
Movement Module
- Flight, (Allows you to fly)
- Blink, (Allows you to manipulate the delay between packets sent to the server)
- Glide, (Allows you to fall slowly)
- InventoryMove, (Allows you to interact in your inventory without stopping your movement)
- LongJump, (Allows you to jump further)
- NoSlowdown, (Doesnt slow your movement while using items)
- Safewalk, (Stops you from falling off edges)
- Speed, (Increases your movement)
- Sprint, (Sets you to always sprint)
- Step (Allows you to walk up more than half a block)
Player Module
- NoFall, (Reduces, or removes fall damage)
- AntiVoid, (Stops you from falling into the void)
- AutoArmour, (Automatically equips armour)
- AutoGap, (Automatically eats golden apples)
- AutoPlace, (Places blocks beneath the player)
- AutoPot, (Automatically throws health potions)
- AutoSoup, (Automatically eats soups to heal)
- AutoTool, (Switchs to the fastest tool for the specific block you're breaking)
- FastPlace, (Allows you to modify the place delay of blocks)
- InventoryManager, (Manages your inventory for you)
- Stealer, (Takes all items from chests)
- Timer (Increases your game speed)
Visual Module
- Arraylist, (Displays all the active modules)
- BlockAnimations, (Animates your sword when you block)
- Camera, (Manipulates your camera)
- Chams, (Allows you to see players through walls)
- ClickGui, (UI to interact with modules)
- ESP, (Renders a box around players)
- Freelook, (Allows you to move your camera freely without changing your movement direction)
- Fullbright, (Brightens everything)
- IngameInfo, (Displays your information, movement speed, etc.)
- Keystrokes, (Displays what keys you're currently pressing)
- Logs, (Internal display of client logs)
- NameProtect, (Hides your username and replaces it with "You")
- Rotations, (Shows rotations that the client has manipulated")
- TimeChanger, (Changes the time for the client, to night, or morning)
- TargetHUD, (Displays information about the target you're attacking)
- Watermark, (Displays a watermark on the screen)
- Xray (Shows valuable ores, while hiding the other blocks)
World Module
- Breaker, (Breaks beds through blocks)
- Recorder, (Records movements, and replays them)
- Scaffold, (Manipulates your bridging to be much faster)
Exploit Modules
- Disabler, (Disables some anticheat checks)
- StrafeFix (Makes strafing client-side)
Miscellaneous Modules
- AutoLogin, (Automatically registers on some servers)
- Autoplay, (Joins a new game after finishing one)
- SelfDestruct (Returns client back to vanilla minecraft, in hoping not to get caught)